Whats in your Kitchen?!?
8/15/2016 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Palm Springs and SERVPRO of indian wells is all about giving back, from the multiple charities we donate to; and to all the fun events we lend a hand at - 'Givers Gain' is our constant mantra.
The 'Slice of La Quinta' annual pizza contest, is an event for the City of La quinta'. Normally it is for local restaurants...But, We took home the prize for "Best Crust".
Here is our marketing manager (Chris Bennett on the right) with a few pizza pies and a Kiwanis pamphlet.
We thank our local La quinta Costco, they where nice enough to donate the (25) pizza boxes that we needed.
This is a really fun event, and if your like our marketing manager - there is never a 'Bad Pizza'.
Especially when its in support of your city.
Once the work is done, its time for fun.